Pierre, H., A. Date of Birth: October
12th, 1922 Place of Birth: France Citizenship: FRENCH Marital Status: Married
- 3 Children Parents Names: Jolivet, Hippolyte (father) Renouf, Marcelle (mother) Home address in France: 67 Boulevard Soult, 75012 Paris, FRANCE Home telephone & Fax: 33 (0) 1 46 28 87 49
Home address in USA: 8620-306 NW
13th Street, Gainesville,
FL 32653-7963. Telephone in USA: (352)
372-3505 E-Mail: timarcha@club-internet.fr Internet: http://www.timarcha.com
- Biology and Taxonomy of Coleoptera Chrysomelidae. - Interrelationship between Insects and Plants. - Interrelationship between Ants and Plants. - Myrmecophilous Plants. - Sporozoa Gregarinidae (Apicomplexa) of
insects. B.Sc. 1941
(Honours) Faculty
of Sciences University
of Rennes, FRANCE Applied
zoology (parasitology) 1942 General
zoology 1943
(Honours) General
botany 1943
(Honours) General
geology 1945
(Honours) Mineralogy 1945 General
chemistry 1946 Applied
botany (phytopathology) 1946 Diploma
of Superior Studies (Natural Sciences) 1945
(Honours). Topic:
Biology of Timarcha (Coleoptera) with pedagogical probation
Degree (Sciences)
(Sciences) - University of Paris (Sorbonne). 1954
Topic : Researches
on the wings of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) 2 vols, 332 pp., 20 pls. Jury: Profs.
Biology (P.P. GRASSE) Paris 1944. Plant
Physiology - Genetics - Paris 1947. Registered
on the list of the University staff in France (30th
section: Zoology-Biology) Ministry of Educ., Paris, 1971.
Excellent: French, English, And
Spanish Fair:
Italian, German, And
Associate, Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Dept. of Entomology,
Gainesville, Florida USA Corresponding
Member, c/o Lab. of Entomology, Nat. Mus. of Nat.History, 45 rue de Buffon, 75005, Paris, France. Researches on Gregarinidae (Sporozoa). Biology
of Myrmecophilous Plants. Biology
of Coleoptera Chrysomelidae.
Chief, FAO Integrated Control
Project, Cabo
Verde Republic. Study
on Insects and Myriapods. Conferences
on Sahel area. Lectures
on Entomology.
Director, Plant Protection
Project, Hanoi
& Saigon, Vietnam. Researches,
Administration, Lectures. FAO
Director a.i. Cotton Research Project in South Vietnam.
Researches and Lectures on
entomology during the following missions: Soudan, Khartoum (1978) FAO, Thailand, Bangkok (1978) FAO, La
Reunion, Saint Denis (1978-79) WHO, Mauritius
– Madagascar (1979) WHO, Senegal,
Saint Louis (1979-80) FAO. Director FAO Project (Plant Protection) Bobo Dioulasso, Upper
Volta (Burkina
Entomologist and Chief of
Project, Unit of Vector Ecology and Control, Seoul,
South Korea, WHO
Scientific Director, EID
(Mosquito Control Unit) and Laboratory of Zoology,
University of Montpellier. Ecologist and Entomologist, project director FAO. Senior
Lecturer in Entomology, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Professor of Biology and Zoology. Chief
of Project UNESCO (Sudan, Morocco, Papua-New Guinea).
Within the framework of the
lectures of Professor LAMB, during two years,
I have given lectures on the following subjects at the University of Papua-New
Guinea in Port Moresby: Biology of Insects. Gregarinidae, Sporozoa,
Evolution Entomologist and Senior Lecturer in
Entomology. WHO
: Geneva, Switzerland, Iran, Taiwan, Philippines, Ethiopia. At
the end of those missions 1 have been nominated several months at the
Laboratory of Entomology of the National Museum of Natural History
in Paris, Entomology Section (1961)
charge of Mission of High Mountain Insect Ecological and Parasitological
Studies in Zaire (Ruwenzori) Institute of National Parks of
Central Africa.
Assistant (Entomology), Royal
Institute of Natural Sciences Brussels, Belgium
Member of the following societies:
French Zoological Society, French Entomological Society, Linnean Society of Lyon, Linnean society of Normandy, Royal Entomological society of Belgium, Entomological Society of America, Society of Systematic Zoology, Royal Entomological Society of London, International Union of Conservation of Nature, Moroccan Natural History Society, Ecological Society, Society for Invertebrate Pathology, American Mosquito Control Association, Korean Entomological Society, Rain Forest Society, Coleopterists Society, Royal Geographical Society, London, (elected 1988) I have been involved into short or long
scientific missions - research, teaching - for various governments (French,
Belgium) or international institutions UNESCO, UNDP, WHO, FAO in the following
countries: Congo, Zaire, Greece, Italy, Iran, Philippines,
Taiwan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Algeria, Kenya, Morocco, Papua New Guinea, Thailand,
South Korea, India, Burkina-Fasso (Upper Volta), Afghanistan, La Reunion,
Mauritius, Madagascar, Senegal, Ghana, Ivory-Coast, Vietnam, Cabo-Verde
Republic, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Paraguay. Accessorily, I made several study tours in
tropical America (Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, French
West Indies). Recently, 1 have been able during two consecutive years to work
and to teach at the Federal University of Vicosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil in 1986
and 1987 and three months at the University of Campinas, SP, Brazil, 1992. I have also been able in 1987 to take part in
the Royal Geographical Society expedition to the Ilha de Maraca, Roraima,
Brazil. The results are under publication (Ant-Plants, Chrysomelidae,
Gregarinidae). Actually, I am a member of ECTI, Paris and in charge of various
missions (Brazil, Mauritius, La Reunion, Madagascar, New-Guinea, etc.), some
with the EEC, the European Economic Commission, and U.N.D.P. Réaumur award for entomological research, Paris, 1987. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, London, 1989. Corresponding member of the National Museum of Natural History, Paris 1989. Research associate, Florida State Coll. of Arthropods, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.,1988. Award Singer-Polignac foundation,
During my stays overseas with the International
Organizations, I have sent many fellows ta study to foreign Universities. I
have also trained various scientists mostly in entomology and parasitology. In
Montpellier, I have directed 5 PhDs in entomology, 3 in biology of Mosquitoes,
one in Cedar ecology, and one on the Ash-tree biocenosis.
a) Papers in Scientific Journals 400 papers on: Entomology, Zoology, and Parasitology. A list is available on request. Recherches sur l'aile des Chrysomeloidea (Coleoptera). (Inst. r. Sc. Nat. Belg., Bruxelles, 2 vols., 1957-1959.) Les Chrysomeloidea des Îles
Baléares (Coleoptera). (Inst. R. Sc. Nat. Belg., Bruxelles, 1953.) Orsodacninae, Suppl. Col. Cat. (Junk. ed., Amsterdam, 1957.) Donaciinae, 2nd ed., Col. Cat. (Junk.
ed., Amsterdam, 1957.) Coagulation du sang chez les Arthropodes ( in coll. with Charles Grégoire) ( Institut Royal des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge, Brussels,1959). Eugrégarines Parasites de Coléoptères du Parc National Albert (in coll. with J. Théodoridès) (Institut Royal des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge, Brussels, 1959). Les Insectes et l'Homme. (Presses Universitaires de France,1980). (Spanish translation: Fundo de
cultura Economica,. 2 eds.
Mexico,1985). Insectes et Plantes. (Soc. Linn. Lyon., Lyon, 1983.) Les Fourmis et les Plantes. (Éditions Boubée, Paris, 1986.) Les Plantes carnivores. (Éditions du Rocher, Paris, 1987.) Insects and Plants. Parallel Evolution and
Adaptations. (Brill ed., Leiden,1986.
deuxième éd., Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville, 1992.
troisième éd. St. Lucie Press, Florida, 1996.) Biology of Chrysomelidae (in coll.). (Kluwer Academic Publs., Dordrecht-Boston, 1988.) Curiosités entomologiques. (Editions Chabaud, Paris.) Novel Aspects of the Biology of Chrysomelidae. (in coll.). (Kluwer AcademicPubls., Dordrecht-Boston. 1994.) Ants and Plants : An example of coevolution. (Backhuys ed., Leiden, 1996.) Host-Plants of Chrysomelidae of the World. An
Essay about the Relationships between the Leaf-Beetles and their food-plants. (Backhuys ed., Leiden, 1996.) (Avec T. Hawkeswood.) Chrysomelidae Biology (en coll. with Michael L. Cox, coeditor). (SPB Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 1996.) vol.1.-The classification, Phylogeny and Genetics. vol.2.- Ecological Studies. vol.3.- General Studies. Interrelationship between Insects and Plants (CRC Press,
Boca Raton, Florida,USA, 1998). Biologie des Coléoptères Chrysomélides. (Boubée Publs., Paris, 1997). Biology of Leaf Beetles (in coll. with K.K. Verma). ( Intercept, Andover, U. K. 2002). New Developments on the Biology of Chrysomelidae ( in coll. with J. A. Santiago-Blay and M. Schmitt coeditors). (SPB Academic Publs., The Hague, The Netherlands, 2004).
In preparation.- Neron et les Sources du Nil. Un voyage au pays de Meroë. (Translation from the English of the book by John Cloudsley-Thompson). Biology of Myrmecophytes. A study of the relationships between Plants and Ants. Bugs ( in coll.with K.K. Verma). After all my missions, there have been detailed
technical reports. Not only monthly reports for WHO but also trimestrial and
annual reports for FAO and UNESCO. About fifty such reports have been written
for Vector Control Unit, Seoul; Entomological Surveys in Taiwan, the
Philippines, Iran, Ethiopia, etc. A laboratory manual for making microscopy
slides has been written in Seoul. Very important, were my reports (General
reports) on Plant Protection and Control Unit in Hanoi, Vietnam, and the report
on Cabo Verde Integrated Control Unit in Praia. Several reports were written
after my 1986 and 1987 Brazilian mission.
d) Total Number of Works and publications 392 papers published within about 40 French,
American English and Foreign Scientific Journals. About fifty reports, mainly
for International Organizations. 23 books in French or in English. 3 in
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIA OR CONFERENCES: All the participations to Congresses, Symposia
or Seminars ended with papers or posters. They were often published. Among the
many meetings attended, let us quote : Medical Entomology Conferences: Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, 1959 (WHO), Cairo, Egypt, 1961 (WHO). On Environmental Studies: : Abidjan, lvory Coast, 1964 (UNESCO) : Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, 1965 (UNESCO) : Tunis,Tunisia, 1967 (UNESCO). XIII International Congress of Entomology,
Moscow, USSR, 1968. International Congress of Pathology of
Invertebrates, Montpellier, France, 1971. Plant Protection Congress, Khartoum, Sudan,
1978 (FAO). Plant Protection Congress, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, 1982 (FAO). Seminar on Sahel Plant Protection, Bamako, Mali
(FAO). 6th International Symposium on lnsect and Plants, Pau, France. 1986. 2nd Congress of French speaking Entomologists, Trois Rivières, Canada, 1986. Also in 1984 and 1985 Seminars on Coleopterology held in Stuttgart, Germany. Symposium on Pest-Ants, Caracas,
Venezuela. 1988. Seminar on crop protection in the Sahel area -
Bamako, Mali 07-12 January 1991 - UNDP. XVII International Congress of Entomology,
Hamburg, Germany, 1986. XVIII International Congress of Entomology,
Vancouver, Canada, 1988 XIX International Congress of Entomology,
Beijing, China, 1992 XX International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy,1996. XXI International Congress of Entomology, Iguaçu, Brazil, 2000. VII European Congress of Entomology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2002 Various lectures on entomology at Paris Museum.
during the last decades. etc. (1964-2001). Symposium on Ants and Plants, Oxford, England, 1989
Lectures given on Ants and Plants in various universities: Paris, 1986, Lyon, 1987, Brussels,1988 ; Nancy, France, 1988 ; Catania, Sicily, 1998; Xalapa, Mexico, 1998 ; Nancy, France, 2000. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guatemala, 2002.